
Cognition & Inclusion

Programme: Erasmus+ 

Lead: Den achtkanter vzw (Belgium)

Asociación a Favor de Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual "Vale" (Spain), 
Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan Väst (Sweden), 
Instituto Valenciano de Atención Social-Sanitarial (Spain), 
National Association of pofessionals working with people with disabilities (Bulgaria), 
Tampereen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (Finland), 
Istituto Regionale per l'educazione e Studi Cooperativi (Italy) 
ENSA – European Network for Social Authorities (Italy)
Universidad de Evora (Portugal)

Topic and objectives:
"Cognition & Inclusion" addresses the adaptive and transversal skills necessary to become a successful participant in our society. Adults with a learning disability are often missing these skills as they are not part of the curriculum or training.
In general, for this target group, training is focusing on practical skills and not on (e.g.) problem solving skills. Programs for training transversal skills are not known or not implemented successfully, the latter because trainers or social workers involved often are not really convinced that adults with learning disabilities are able to learn these skills.
“C&I” wants to reflect on successfully implemented cognitive models, disseminate these approaches, and contribute to optimal conditions for successful training on the level of the professionals and of the organization that supports the adult. 
The project objective - at the end - is to promote the quality of life, inclusion and job opportunities of the target group.

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