
A Way Home

Building a coalition to prevent youth exclusion in the EU - In collaboration with Youth Care Platform

Authorities responsible for youth care (national, regional, local), youth care providers and youngsters in youth care all over Europe are struggling with their aftercare strategies: how to prepare young care leavers for in(ter)dependent living after care? Too many youngsters who leave care become structurally homeless (often after a first period of independent living). A better preparation of life after the (residential) care is urgently needed.

We did not identify a European member state that has a clear and working ‘after care policy’, that provides clear guide lines and tools to their service providers on how to prepare their care leavers. But it’s not only about preparing youngsters, also better answers by social institutions and public services - that should play a role in the social integration of these youngsters (housing, work provision, social security access, budget guidance, public social services, …) - are needed. Often these institutions and public services are not accessible or adapted in very many ways for these youngsters.

In this project, we want to tackle both aspects: first we want to define and implement a clear after care policy at level of the youth care sector: legal expectations (‘aftercare protocol’), a toolbox (instruments that can be used in the preparation for independent living), training of professionals and trials of these new instruments. Secondly, we want to try out the Canadian ‘A Way Home’ model as a structural approach to fight youth exclusion (as homelessness). In this approach local (social) institutions are brought together to develop and execute a radical local strategy to erase youth exclusion (as homelessness).

Both strands will be piloted in 2 regions: after care policies at regional level in Flanders and Carinthia, the ‘A Way Home’ model at city level in cities of Antwerp and Villach. This work will be guided and followed by social authorities from all over Europe via ENSA and the Youth Care Platform.

Project overview
Too many youngsters who leave care become structurally homeless, often after a first period of independent living. A better preparation of life after the (residential) care is urgently needed. Currently, no European member State has a clear and working ‘after care policy’, providing clear guidelines and tools to their service providers on how to prepare their care leavers. It is not only about preparing youngsters, but it is also necessary to obtain better answers by social institutions and public services that should play a role in the social integration of these youngsters. 

Major objectives
Project aiming at identifying tools and methods to support young people outside of the care system and to prepare them for their independence.

In particular, this project intends to create:

  • An AfterCare Protocol: a set of quality standards and actions, that are imposed by the regulating youth care authority to all professional actors with responsibility to youth care users in the phase of leaving care;
  • A Way Home Hub: a structural approach to fight youth exclusion (as homelessness). This approach brings local community actors together to build a common understanding of the challenges faced by the young people leaving care.

Expected Outcomes

  • Improving of the professionals’ abilities to prepare young people to care for the life after they have left the care system and implement the tools and skills needed to support young care leavers; 
  • More attention for what the key target group needs, in order to facilitate the transition into adulthood;
  • Better preparation of young people in several life domains, both from a practical and an emotional point of view, to have a better chance on successful transition;
  • Removal of the barriers which currently prevent different sectors from cooperating in tackling youth exclusion and preventing marginalization. The A Way Home model will allow the creation of coalitions and stimulate this cross-sectorial work; 
  • Increase in number of communities that implement effective program models that focus on preventing youth exclusion, moving young people out of marginalization as quickly as possible, and enhancing the well-being of young people and their families.

Lead: The Flemish Agency for Youth Welfare (BE)


  • Agentschap Jongerenwelzijn – Belgium
  • Region of Flanders – Belgium
  • Carinthian Government – Austria
  • Artesis Plantijn University College – Belgium
  • FEANTSA – Belgium
  • ENSA (the European Network of Social Authorities) – Italy
  • Diakonie de la Tour – Austria
  • Cachet – Belgium
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